Sobre nosotros

"DME" Ltd (Dotan Maritime Enterprise Ltd) - The Company specializes in researching and developing new products. The engineers of the company are in constant search for unique technologies and innovative solutions. The result of this "techno-technological" mix was the creation of a patented kick-up rudder system with the use of several know-how technologies.

2019 - Marine engineers of the company have developed a set of a daggerboard and a rudder for a promising racer in the Optimist class. The special design of the dagger will help the future champion achieve a better result faster.

2017 - A new version of the rudder blade for the Optimist class from the lightweight Okoume plywood has been released to the market. Only in the first month, 100 rudders for the Optimist boat were sold to Israel and New Zealand.

2012 - Now the Dotan kick-up rudder systems are used in more than 50 countries of the World.

2009 - The "Award for Export and Innovation" from the Ministry of Economics of Latvia was awarded to the best company. This award is especially valuable for us, as it was received during the crisis.

2003 We believe this is a very important article:  "Attention Optimist Sailors"

2002 - Winner METS 2002 in the category Deck equipment, for the product kick-up rudder system.

1998 - The beginning of mass production of rudders in 12 basic versions.

1997 - The design of a rudder box made of reinforced polyamide of increased strength has been developed.

1997 - The company Dotan has developed a new technology for manufacturing a rudder blade, based on the simultaneous action of high pressure with a thermal shock. This is know-how technology.

1997 - Registration of the company DME Ltd., which specializes in the development and production of the kick-up rudder systems.

1996 - Made the first version of the rudder with an aluminum rudder box.

1995 - Received a patent for the kick-up rudder system. US Patent # 5,447,113. Rudder, Foreign patent documents: 2372078 7/1978 France; 2398662 3/1979 France; 1544345 4/1979 United Kingdom

1989 - The engineers developed a new concept of kick-up rudder system for catamarans, sailboats and dinghy.


Ventajas del timón Dotan

Control instantáneo del timón
El sistema kick-up de Dotan permite levantar o bajar la pala en segundos con un solo movimiento. Esencial para maniobras seguras al zarpar o regresar, incluso en condiciones difíciles.

Carcasa duradera
Fabricada con materiales compuestos resistentes a la corrosión, la carcasa del timón garantiza fiabilidad y estabilidad incluso en situaciones extremas.

Pala ligera y resistente
Gracias a una tecnología avanzada de choque térmico y alta presión, la pala combina un peso reducido con una durabilidad excepcional. Su perfil hidrodinámico asegura una navegación suave y eficiente.

Ajuste universal
El timón Dotan es fácilmente adaptable a diversos barcos y catamaranes. Su instalación sencilla lo hace ideal tanto para profesionales como para principiantes.

Protección contra obstáculos
La pala se levanta automáticamente al chocar con obstáculos como rocas o troncos, evitando daños. En pocos segundos vuelve a su posición inicial, garantizando estabilidad y control.

¿Por qué elegir los timones abatibles de Dotan?

Descubre más sobre el mecanismo del timón Dotan



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