Premio di design

Dotan's Kick-Up Solution Wins METS 2002 Design Award!

Judges at the METS 2002 held in Amsterdam, Holland, nominated Dotan's kick-up rudder system winner of the METS 2002 Design Award, awarding it top prize for Best Designed Product in the Field of Marine Equipment and Accessories.

The Marine Equipment Trade Show - METS held annually in Amsterdam, is the biggest and most important international exhibition in Europe for suppliers of equipment, materials, accessories and services to the international leisure craft trade and industry.

Exhibitors from 37 countries took part in the METS 2002. Judges at the exhibition received 138 product nominations from 103 companies.

Judges appreciated "the advantage of the (Dotan) kick-up rudder system's design, functionality, originality, innovation, user-friendliness and price/quality ratio".

Every product was judged by an international panel of experts, all professionals in the field of sailing, marine technology, design and marketing.

METS 2002 organizers released the following press communique (on November 19th, 2002), following announcement of the competition results:

Winners in the Category of 'Deck Equipment, Sails and Rigging'

Taking top prize at this year's awards, the dinghy klck-up rudder system from Dotan Maritime Industries, Ltd., Israel, "eliminates ropes to control the blade and replaces them with a lift and latching mechanism in the stock. The Jury was impressed both by the simplicity and the elegance of this design".


Vantaggi del Timone Dotan

Controllo istantaneo del timone
Il sistema kick-up di Dotan consente di sollevare o abbassare la pala in pochi secondi con un solo gesto. Essenziale per manovre sicure, anche in condizioni difficili.

Scatola durevole
Realizzata in materiali compositi resistenti alla corrosione, la scatola del timone garantisce affidabilità e stabilità anche in situazioni estreme.

Pala leggera e robusta
Grazie a una tecnologia avanzata con shock termico e alta pressione, la pala offre un peso ridotto e una durabilità eccezionale. Il profilo idrodinamico assicura una navigazione fluida ed efficiente.

Regolazione universale
Il timone Dotan è facilmente adattabile a diversi tipi di imbarcazioni e catamarani. La sua installazione semplice lo rende ideale sia per professionisti che per principianti.

Protezione dagli ostacoli
La pala si solleva automaticamente in caso di collisione con ostacoli come rocce o tronchi, evitando danni. Torna alla posizione iniziale in pochi secondi, garantendo stabilità e controllo.

Perché scegliere i timoni Kick-Up di Dotan?

Scopri di più sul meccanismo del timone Dotan



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